Spacecraft Propulsion Systems Lecture Sessions for Bachelor's Degree
Lecture sessions in propulsion for satellites and in orbit systems at the Munich University of Applied Sciences.
Hartwig is a notable specialist in rocket propulsion for launch vehicles, orbital satellites and manned spacecraft. In
addition to his consulting services, Hartwig has been providing Bachelor lecture sessions at the Munich University of Applied
Sciences since 2019. Hartwig holds the individual lectures at the university during the winter semester. He also provides
Master Lecture Sessions at the university.
Bachelor Lecture Sessions
Rocket Equation
- Tsiolkovsky rocket equation
- Limits of the velocity potentials of rockets
- Propellant consumption calculations
Orbital Mechanics
- Orbital mathematics,
- Transfer strategies, vis-viva equation, Hohmann transfer
- Landing on planets (without atmosphere)
Satellite Technologies
- Launcher - Launch phases acceleration, shock, acoustic- profile
- Satellite, bus platform payload
- Environment conditions in space
Chemical Propulsion systems 1- Satellite Propulsion
- Monopropellant systems
- Cold gas system
- Bi-propellant systems
Chemical propulsion Systems 2
- Functional behaviors
- Redundancies
- Latch valves, one branch / two branch systems; priming
Chemical Mono- and Biprop. Engines /Thrusters 1
- Thruster portfolio, basic calculation thrust, Isp
- Theoretical performance Gordon McBride, ODE, ODF, ODK performance calculation
- Engineering tools thermodynamics, structure mechanics
Chemical Propulsion
- basic equations of one dimensional frictionless flow
- convergent / divergent nozzle flow, gas flow, Laval conditions
- Gas dynamics / fluid mechanics in thrusters engine nozzle
Thruster, Liquid Apogee Engine Design
- Influence of different parameters on thruster / engine performance
- Design example, 10 N thruster performance envelope
Electric Propulsion
- Physical principles and types of electric propulsion
- Classification, electro-thermal, electro-static, electro-magnetic
- Space charge effect, Langmuir-Schottky law
Tanks & Components
- All components and their design features in a satellite propulsion system
- Pressure regulator, pyro valves, propellant tanks
- Verification methods, under micro-gravity
Telecom Satellites
- Engineering design process for a propulsion system for Geo Sat-com
- Payload power is the key-indicator to design a satellite
Project Management
- How to manage complex Space programme
- Work break down structure, work packages
Exam preparation session