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Space Propulsion Business Development Consulting Services

Consulting services for setting up, developing and expanding existing businesses in the international space propulsion sector.



Our consulting services for developing business is supported by 40 years of specialist expertise in the space propulsion sector. This expertise is reinforced by our engineering services, specialist expert associates and a broad wealth of space related experience and achievements.


Our company Executive Officer, Hartwig Ellerbrock also lectures at the Munich University of Applied Sciences Munich and has collaborated with industry experts in the publication of papers on rocket propulsion and related technologies.


The following is a summary of the services that we offer in the space propulsion business sector:


In more detail ...


Market analysis of your products to identify potential for increased market access.

Based on the available market data the current and future market will be assessed. In consultation with our network, key players, and market experts, the assessment will be compared and supplemented by these inputs for final recommendations.


Analysis of your product portfolio to predict future development and production trends.

Analysis and recommendations related to product adaptation (developments) of existing products as well as consideration of product methods for an extended market access. This could also include suggestions for industrialisation. The focus of this consulting activity is based on feedback from companies / agencies that already apply this products or similar products.


Strategy assessment, evaluation and recommendations for your product strategy.

Based on over 30 year's experiences and the available network contacts to primes as well as subsystem providers, an assessment of your product portfolio will be performed. The needs of potential and new customers shall be established to determine their current and future needs (production rate, delivery time, prices), as well as advice on complementary product requirements..


Funding / co-funding assessment from agencies and providing support for funding application.

Consulting service to secure funding / co-funding support from agencies for your products. These services will focus on the dedicated programmes published by the Agencies, what kind of supporting letter are needed from the national in case of an ESA program application as well as a recommendation in which programme line such a projects fits best ( e.g. GSTP, ARTES, mandatory Science, HRE, etc.). The recommendation will consider the Technology Readiness Level (TRL), the development effort and the future product application.


Our company is registered at the German Space and therefore has upfront access to the planned ESA tenders.


Consultancy on strategic partnerships within the international environment

 A partnering on project level or holistically can significantly change the company market perception as well as the sales opportunities. The analysis of your market position, your manufacturing capacity, production reliability (quality) will allow to recommend scenarios of possible project/programme partnering/ cooperation’s or potential complete partnering, enabling market access which would not otherwise be accessible to your company without such a partner.


Analysis and evaluation for extending market access overseas.

This consulting service focuses on positioning your products and services in a market that is not accessible to you today (e.g. USA). Our offered consulting service analyses the restrictions and regulations and considers what must be met before starting such an export activity. Pros and cons can be weighed to get an overview of whether manufacturing in the U.S. will help to gain access to e.g. the defence market in the U.S.


Consulting and recommendations for setting up a marketing & sales organisation.

This consulting service is focused on and elaborates which structure of marketing and sales set-up best suits your product and organisation. This includes marketing aspects of new media as well as on-line marketing services and technical published papers for conferences.


Support for establishing a potential customer database.

Our company has a network of customers and partners that has been successfully built up over 30 years. This heritage is applied to form the basis for the creation of your individual customer database. Recommendations will be provided on which companies can be considered as potentially new customer. Your existing customer contacts will be added to the database to have an up-to-date customer database of current and potential future customers of your company and your products.